Undergraduate Research Fest (SURF) at UMBC, Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Full program at: http://surf.umbc.edu/
2016 UMBC Summer Undergraduate Research Fest

Jeremiah Quijote (Biological Sciences), Grace Choi, Rushmie Kulkarni,
DoHwan Park, Ph.D. (Mathematics & Statistics) and Erin Green, Ph.D., Biological Sciences

Sylvia Edoigiawerie, Bradford Peercy, Ph.D. (Mathematics & Statistics),
and Michelle Starz-Gaiano.Ph.D. (Biological Sciences)

Models of Shape and Form Regeneration.
Samantha Herath, Mark Ebeid, and Daniel Lobo, Ph.D., Biological Sciences

Endangered Bahama Oriole. Michael Rowley, Daniel Stonko,
Alexis Scarselletta, Jennifer Christilf, and Kevin Omland, Ph.D.,
Biological Sciences
2015 UMBC Summer Undergraduate Research Fest
UBM student presenters with their mentors at the 18th Annual Summer
Undergraduate Research Fest (SURF) at UMBC, Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Grace Choi and Tahsin Khan with Mentors Erin Green, Biological Sciences and DoHwan Park, Mathematics and Statistics

Jin Ah Kim (Biochemistry) and Hayley Richardson (Mathematics), “Speciation Reversal: The Case of the Common Raven,” 17th Annual Summer Undergraduate Research Fest (SURF) at UMBC, Wednesday, August 6, 2014. Mentors: Dr. Kevin Omland and Dr. Matthias Gobbert. Poster Presentation. Also an oral presentation winner at the 2014 ABRCMS Conference in San Antonio, TX.
UBM student presenters with their mentors at the 17th Annual Summer Undergraduate Research Fest (SURF) at UMBC, Wednesday, August 6, 2014. Students shown from left to right: Grace Chandler, Dominick DiMercurio, Jin Kim, Jacob O’Bott, Hayley Richardson, and Pranjal Singh. Mentors left to right: Dr. Kevin Omland (Biol), Dr. Park (Math/Stat), Dr. Michelle Starz-Gaiano (Biol), Dr. Brad Peercy (Math/Stat), Dr. Matthias Gobbert (Math/Stat) and Dr. Nagaraj Neerchal (Math/StatChair). Dr. Neerchal and Dr. Jeff Leips from Biology are the Co-PIs on this NSF funded training grant.

John Malloy (Bioinformatics), Tylynn Pettrey (Mathematics), Leila Bahmani Kazarooni, Frode Jacobsen, “How Well Do Species Tree Methods Deal With Gene Flow? Mitochondrial Introgression in Northern Orioles” 16th Annual Summer Undergraduate Research Fest (SURF) at UMBC, Wednesday, August 7, 2013. Mentors: Dr. Kevin Omland and Dr. Matthias Gobbert. Poster Presentation.

Abigail Jackson (Biochemistry) and Jessica Ortega (Mathematics), “A Mathematical Model of Melanopsin Adaptation.” 16th Annual Summer Undergraduate Research Fest (SURF) at UMBC, Wednesday, August 7, 2013. Mentors: Dr. Phyllis Robinson and Dr. Kathleen Hoffman. Poster Presentation.

Ann Marie Weideman (Mathematics), Bilal Moiz (Biochemistry), Lathiena Manning, “The Impact of Asymmetrical Geometry on the Distribution of Signaling Molecules.” 16th Annual Summer Undergraduate Research Fest (SURF) at UMBC, Wednesday, August 7, 2013. Mentors: Dr. Bradford Peercy and Dr. Michelle Starz-Gaiano. Poster Presentation

Caleb Simmons (Statistics), Alex Stachowiak (Computer Science), Patrick O’Neill, “Stochiastic Simulation of Gene Regulatory Networks.” 16th Annual Summer Undergraduate Research Fest (SURF) at UMBC, Wednesday, August 7, 2013. Mentor: Dr. Ivan Erill. Poster Presentation.
Leila Bahmani Kazarooni (Biological Sciences), “The Consequences of Combining Mitochondrial DNA and Nuclear DNA for Evolutionary Trees.” 17th Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day (URCAD) Conference, UMBC, April 24, 2013. Mentors: Kevin Omland and Matthias K. Gobbert. Poster Presentation
Jen Chang (Biological Sciences) and Andrew Coates (Mathematics), “Mathematical Modeling for Signal Transduction in Mammalian Olfactory Sensory Neurons.” 17th Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day (URCAD) Conference, UMBC, April 24, 2013. Mentors: Weihong Lin and Jonathan Bell. Poster Presentation
Kevin Herold (Biological Sciences) and Drew Thatcher (Mathematics), “A Mathematical Model of Melanopsin Activation.” 17th Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day (URCAD) Conference, UMBC, April 24, 2013. Mentors: Phyllis Robinson and Kathleen Hoffman. Poster Presentation
Bilal Moiz (Biochemistry) and Ann Marie K. Weideman (Mathematics), “Modeling Diffusion of Signaling Molecules and Consequential Cell Fate Determination.” 17th Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day (URCAD) Conference, UMBC, April 24, 2013. Mentors: Michelle Starz-Gaiano and Bradford Peercy. Poster Presentation
David Stonko (Mathematics) “A Force-Based Approach to Unraveling the Mechanism of Cell Migration.” Mentors: Bradford Peercy and Michelle Starz-Gaiano. Oral Presentation
Elkins, C. E., Cornish, J. P. (Bioinformatics), Cronise, K. (Biological Sciences), “CollecTF: A Database of Experimentally Verified Prokaryotic Transcription Factor Binding Sites.” 16th Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day (URCAD) Conference, UMBC, April 24, 2013. Mentor: Ivan Erill. Poster Presentation.
Xuan Ge (Biological Sciences), David Stonko (Mathematics), “Characterizing the Cellular Responses to a Molecular Gradient: a Mechanistic Mathematical Model. 16th Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day (URCAD) Conference, UMBC, April 24, 2013. Mentors: Michelle Starz-Gaiano and Bradford E. Peercy. Poster Presentation.
Jacquelyn Meisel (Biological Sciences), Kimberly Daniels (Mathematics), “A Mathematical Model of the Inactivation of Melanopsin.” 16th Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day (URCAD) Conference, UMBC, April 24, 2013. Mentors: Phyllis Robinson and Kathleen Hoffman. Poster Presentation.
David Stonko (Mathematics), “Modeling Cell Fate Determination and Cellular Migration: An Interdisciplinary Approach.” MBI Capstone Conference, OSU, August 2012. Oral Presentation
David P. Stonko (Mathematics), Xuan Ge (Biological Sciences), “Modeling Cell Fate Determination and Cellular Migration: An Interdisciplinary Approach.” MBI Capstone Conference, OSU, August 2012. Mentors: Michelle Starz-Gaiano, Bradford Peercy. Poster Presentation.
David Stonko (Mathematics), “Modeling Cell Fate Determination: Mathematics Informs a Biological Understanding.” 15th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Biological and Chemical Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, Oct. 20, 2012. Mentors: Michelle Starz-Gaiano and Bradford Peercy. Poster Presentation. David was the 1st place winner in his poster session.
Kevin Herold (Biological Sciences), Drew Thatcher (Mathematics), Devyani Ujla, “A Mathematical Model of Melanopsin Activation.” 15th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Biological and Chemical Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, Oct. 20, 2012. Mentors: Phyllis Robinson and Kathleen Hoffman. Poster Presentation. Kevin and Drew were the 2nd place winners in their poster session.
Kathryn Cronise (Biological Sciences), “A Comparison of Conservationin Transcription Factor Motifs.” 15th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Biological and Chemical Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, Oct. 20, 2012. Mentor: Ivan Erill. Poster Presentation.
Matthew Brewster (Mathematicsk) and Ivan Erill. “Enrichment of Lex-A Binding Sites in Prokaryotes.” 15th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Biological and Chemical Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, Oct. 20, 2012. Poster Presentation.
Cornish, J. P. (Bioinformatics), Sanchez-Alberola, N., O’Neill, P. K., Erill, I. “Characterizing the SOS response of the human microbiome.” 10th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioinformatics Conference, Snowmass, Colorado, (December 9-11, 2012). Poster Presentation.
Cornish, J. P. (Bioinformatics), Erill, I. “Neural network training with adaptive undersampling for modeling transcription factor binding site search.” 8th International Conference on Bioinformatics, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, (November 10 – 12, 2011). Poster Presentation.
Forder, R. M. (Mathematics), Cornish, J. P. (Bioinformatics), Gobbert, M. K., Erill, I. “Co-evolution of transcription factor and their cognate sites in realistic genome environments.” 8th International Conference on Bioinformatics, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, (November 10 – 12, 2011). Poster Presentation.
Asmita Adhikari, Taylor Good, Steven Szebenyi, Tatsuya Ogura, Weihong Lin and Jonathan Bell. “Role of TRPM5 in Mouse Olfactory Signal Processing.” 14th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Biological and Chemical Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, Oct. 22, 2011. Poster Presentation.
Kimberly Daniels, Jacquelyn Meisel. Joseph Blasic, Evan Cameron Kathleen Hoffman and Phyllis Robinson. “A Mathematical Model of the Inactivation of Melanopsin.” 14th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Biological and Chemical Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, Oct. 22, 2011. Poster Presentation. Kimberly and Jacquelyn were the 1st place winners in their poster session.
Joseph Cornish and Robert Forder. “Simulation of the Evolution of Information Content in transcrption Facto Binding Sites Using a Parallelized Gen Algorithm.” 14th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Biological and Chemical Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, Oct. 22, 2011. Poster Presentation. Joseph and Robert were the 2nd place winners in their poster session.
Asmita Adhikari, Taylor Good, Steven Szebenyi, Tatsuya Ogura, Weihong Lin, Jonathan Bell. “Role Of Trpm5 In Mouse Olfactory Signal Processing.” 14th Summer Undergraduate Research Fest (SURF), Universitiy of Maryland, Baltimore County, August 10, 2011. Poster Presentation.
Joseph Cornish, Robert Forder, Ivan Erill, Matthias K. Gobbert, “Simulation Of The Evolution Of Information Content In Transcription Factor Binding Sites Using A Parallelized Genetic Algorithm.” 14th Summer Undergraduate Research Fest (SURF), Universitiy of Maryland, Baltimore County, August 10, 2011. Poster Presentation.
Kimberly Daniels, Jacquelyn Meisel, Joseph Blasic, Evan Cameron, Dr. Kathleen Hoffman, Dr. Phyllis Robinson. “A Mathematical Model Of The Inactivation Of Melanopsin.” CNMS Summer Undergraduate Research Fest, Universitiy of Maryland, Baltimore County, August 10, 2011. Poster Presentation.
Xuan Ge, David Stonko, Dr. Michelle Starz-Gaiano, Dr. Bradford Peercy. “Characterizing The Celluar Responses To A Molecular Gradient: A Mechanistic Mathematical Model.” CNMS Summer Undergraduate Research Fest (SURF), Universitiy of Maryland, Baltimore County, August 10, 2011. Poster Presentation.
Joseph P. Cornish, Sumeet Bagde, Elisabeth T. Hobbs and Ivan Erill. “Adaptive Learning Neural Networks for Binding Site Search in Genomic Sequences.” 15th Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day (URCAD) at UMBC, April 27, 2011. Poster Presentation.
David P. Stonko, Xuan Ge, Bradford E. Peercy, Michelle Starz-Gaiano. “Building a Mathematical Model to Understand the Molecular Interpretations of Spatial Gradients of Biological Activators.” 15th Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day (URCAD) at UMBC, April 27, 2011. Poster Presentation.
Cornish, J.P., Bagde, S., Hobbs, E.T., Erill, I. “Adaptive Learning Neural Networks for Binding Site Search in Genomic Sequences.” 8th Rocky Mountain Regional Bioinformatics Conferencem Snowmass, Colorado, December 9-11, 2010.